Monday, February 21, 2011

Things don't always go as planned

Well it's been a while longer than I'd hoped. I fell sick and then my computer died, so have a new computer now but don't have all my development environments installed yet.

I had a lot more that I was going to post about what I've been working on, but I'm struggling to sort through my notes and bring out something coherrent, if anyone is particularily interested please ask.

I was doing some googling and found a minecraftian XNA engine, called Techcraft.

Here's a linky:

It was very informative and I learnt a lot just looking through the code, often nodding and pretending to understand. I set to work changing textures and lighting to get them similar to Minecraft. And of course made some amazing failures along the way. If I still had it installed this would probably be where I'd place some pictures showing how nice the lighting was etc etc. However I don't. So just think of Minecraft and that's pretty much what it looks like.

I then set to work revamping the Terrain Generation, which was a lot of fun, testing the various things, setting up Perlin noise using the libnoise port from:

 If anyone is curious I can add more details about how I went about it, but it was fairly rudimentary. I have done some more recent work in terrain generation that I will post about in more detail.
Here's some screenshots from when I was tweaking the cave generation, I set a hard floor at depth 0 then rendererd the caves as brick, and didn't render everything else:

Sadly I don't have an image of the final setup. And I have no idea what is with the bazooka.

With a reasonable setup to now begin taking this in my own direction I stalled...
I just didn't know quite what I was trying to do with it, and I didn't have the know-how to just mess around adding stuff. I decided to go back to 2D and figure out the saving structure, gameplay etc and then move that to 3D.

More on that will come soon, I've been making some nice progress and now I'm healthy again I might be in the right mental state to post.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there - i wrote the minecraft engine you've been playing with..

    Come and join the project on codeplex - it is now under active development with 4 or 5 core developerss. It's progressing nicely and has a much cleaner code base (without bazookas) we also have infinite terrain and various other cool stuff such as experimental support for windows phone 7

    All the best
